国際会議 ブログトップ
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Tarragonaで院生向け通訳翻訳国際会議 [国際会議]

Graduate conference: New Research in Translation and Interpreting StudiesTarragona, Spain, 18-20 October 2007
Following the success of the conferences in Tarragona in 2005 and 2006, the Intercultural Studies Group is pleased to announce the third international conference for graduate students and young scholars engaged in research on Translation and Interpreting Studies, many of whom will be presenting their first papers. The format is designed to promote international contacts among novice researchers and to encourage extensive feedback from peers.


IJET-18 [国際会議]

今年の6月23日、24日にイギリスのバースでIJET-18: International Japanese English Translation Conference 18 が行われます。JAT(日本翻訳者協会)とthe University of Bathの共催です。

We would like to issue a call for presentations for this conference, the main theme of which is TOOLS OF THE TRADE: the use of technology in translation and interpreting.

The keynote speaker is Professor Jim Breen of Monash University, Melbourne Australia.
We are also interested in hearing from people who wish to run round-table discussions, workshops or presentations on more general topics as well as anyone interested in Japanese- English Interpreting.
Please send any ideas to Jules Tuff at
The deadline for proposals is Monday 30th April 2007 まだ間に合います。


第18回FIT世界会議(上海) [国際会議]

来年の8月4日-7日に第18回FIT世界会議が上海で開催されます。リンク先は英語ですが、中国語、フランス語バージョンもあります。テーマは"Translation and Cultural Diversity"です。アブストラクト提出の締め切りは今年の9月30日ですのでご注意ください。
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