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翻訳研究育成プロジェクト第11回会合のお知らせ [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]


日本通訳翻訳学会翻訳研究育成プロジェクト 第11回会合
【日時】2016年9月19日(月祝) 13時~15時半
【場所】神戸女学院大学 エミリー・ブラウン記念館201教室
発表者:Isabelle Bilodeau(愛知淑徳大学)
演題:Yakusha atogaki: Defining the genre of translator commentary in Japan

Translator commentary practices in Japan (yakusha atogaki or translator afterwords) follow patterns that diverge from those seen in European and American publishing. Yakusha atogaki appear with far greater frequency in a broad range of literary genres, are written by translators at all stages of their careers rather than just established agents, and consistently eschew the topic of translation itself. Such practices combine to give literary translators access to a writing platform where they can engage in a wide range of actions, including self-imaging and direct address to readers, in addition to performing the informative, critical, and normative functions generally recognized in translator-authored texts (Dimitriu 2009). These practices would seem to be a significant asset for translator agency and visibility, but they have received little attention to date. This talk attempts a comprehensive portrayal of the yakusha atogaki genre as a convention in contemporary publishing. Based on a random sample of contemporary translator afterwords in works of literature, it defines the genre from four aspects: frequency in regard to literary genre, external features (length, headings, location), internal features (register, topics, organization), and functions. The objective is to reveal the framework of practices within which translators engage in first-person writing, staking positions as agents in the literary field.

ゲスト:古村 敏明(神戸女学院大学英文学科准教授)
演題:Translation Is the Child: Rationalizing Refabrications of Japanese Poetry

Translating Japanese poetry into English poses particular challenges. With regards to translating Western language poetry into English, the scholarly discussion has largely moved beyond the questions of choosing between fidelity and license or between domestication and foreignization; the former had been a traditional paradigm through the mid-twentieth century until it was reconfigured in part by Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator,” while the latter discussion was triggered by the publication of Lawrence Venuti's The Translator’s Invisibility in 1995.  When it comes to the translation of Japanese poetry, however, these questions continue to haunt - for good reason, given the linguistic and cultural differences between English and Japanese - alongside the current scholarly preoccupation:  the misgivings over cultural appropriation. 
The result of this development has been a quiet push toward literalism. Following a brief survey of radical translations, this paper presents a partial rationalization of the translational practice that has been characterized as “refabrications”:  translations that are so licentious as to diverge markedly from the original.  This mode of translation has been practiced by many, particularly by modern and contemporary American poets; examples include Hilda Doolittle’s translations of Sappho and Robert Lowell’s book of translation entitled Imitations.  Based on an examination of the translations of poems such as those of Hagiwara Sakutaro and Tanikawa Shuntaro, this paper makes two arguments. The first of the two theses is that refabrications, when administered judiciously, can enliven Japanese poems that may otherwise be rendered lifeless by more conservative translations.  
The second of the two theses of this paper is that, while refabrications may be criticized as the translator’s egotism or acts of cultural appropriation, one may circumvent those concerns by theorizing poetic translation as the “child” and by placing the responsibility of cultural sensitivity onto the readers as well as the translators.  While poetry isn’t untranslatable as some theorists have asserted, poetic translations can often more profitably be regarded as an offspring of the original:  a work independent from the original, just as a child is born of the parents but remains a separate human being.  This view of poetic translation not only encourages inventiveness from translators but also engages readers as active participants in translational processes.  In this sense, translation theory exists to be studied by both the practitioners and the recipients; developing an ethical sensitivity becomes a responsibility shared between the translators and the readers.                

(いずれの発表も英語、Q&Aは日英両語で行います)Presentations in English with a bilingual Q&A.

【参加費】会員:無料  非会員:1,000円(学生500円)

翻訳研究育成プロジェクト第10回会合のお知らせ [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]



講演者:井上 健(日本大学教授・東京大学名誉教授)





Web Journal 『翻訳研究への招待』 第14号 公開しました [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]

「翻訳研究育成プロジェクト」が発行しております Web Journal『翻訳研究への招待』第14号が公開されましたので、お知らせします。



Web Journal 『翻訳研究への招待』第13号 公開 [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]

本学会の「翻訳研究育成プロジェクト」が発行しておりますWeb Journal『翻訳研究への招待』第13号が公開されました。

翻訳研究育成プロジェクト第7回会合のお知らせ [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]


Angusさん(京都橘大学):Following the High Music ― translating


(会場までのアクセス等、当日のお問い合わせは田辺携帯 090-8849-0323 までどうぞ)

Following the High Music ― translating Sakutaro
by Norman

The intelligent and sensitive choice of vocabulary is the
life-blood of all fine literary translation. What perhaps distinguishes the translation of poetry is the careful attention that must also be paid to the ‘sound system’ created by the poet employing the panoply of lexical techniques available to him in his own language, as opposed to those available in the target language. Clearly, any translator must have a convincing understanding of the poem’s import, and hence requires to be

highly informed as to its content. Yet there is a vital tract running through Western poetics from Aristotle’s Poetics, right through to the French symbolists on the one hand, and Tennyson on the other, and onto modernist poets like Eliot that stresses the centrality of the musical aspect of poetry. Thus the translator of a poetic text is required, to an inordinate extent, to prioritize aesthetic considerations, whilst simultaneously undertaking the ordinary task of understanding the work’s literary meaning in an academic, critical, and sometimes
semi-scientific, way.
In this presentation, I describe how I worked in
collaboration with a Japanese partner to recreate the ‘high music’ of
Sakutaro’s poetic voice in a way that is both accessible to the
English reader, whilst hopefully maintaining the distinctively non-Western
aspects both of his sensibility and his chosen modes of expression. I hope
to touch on issues such as the importance of careful lexical choice, as well
as Sakutaro’s astute and extensive employment of a wide range of
verbal sound effects, and his ‘verbal sound scheme’ in particular. I will
touch on the techniques we employed to capture the subtly-encoded speech rhythms of his free verse, and how we handled his neology and linguistic idiosyncrasies. Finally, I will outline the extreme care needed to preserve the brittle and easily-overwhelmed aspects of Sakutaro’s
work that stem from the delicate world of traditional Japanese poetics, and which threaten to elude the Western translator, let alone his Western

reader. At times I will clarify these various issues by comparing our translations with those of other English translators, noting in passing how each confesses to the various inadequacies of his or her own attempt to capture the high music of this major literary genius for the English reader.

Presentation 2:
by Benjamin


翻訳研究育成プロジェクト第6回会合(講演会)のお知らせ [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]

今回はイギリスのリーズ大学(University of Leeds)のマーチン・トーマス先生(Dr. Martin Thomas)をゲストにお迎えし、翻訳支援ツールと機械翻訳、コーパスに関する「マルチモダリティーと翻訳」についてご講演いただき、皆さまと討論の時間を持ちたいと思います。ふるってご参加ください。講演は英語になります。

講演者:Dr. Martin Thomas(University of Leeds)

Genre shift, multimodality and translation: towards an empirical approach

Genres shift in time and space: a text which is prototypical of a given genre in one cultural context might appear as an outlier in another. 
More or less prototypical instances can thus never be constant. If we conceive of genre as itself functional and productive, this has a double significance for translation: does the target text seek to instantiate the same genre as the source?; how might the translation collaborate with the reader to make best use of genre conventions current in the target culture? Moreover, if we accept that linguistic analysis alone cannot adequately account for the semantics of multimodal documents, what might be the implications of this for translation/localization?

This presentation has two broad aims. Firstly, it seeks to problematize and shed light upon these questions, unpacking approaches to genre, and looking at issues of prototypicality and shift in multimodal documents. 
Specifically, the affordances of different writing systems are considered in relation to typography. Insodoing, it draws on examples of original texts, translations and candidate texts for translation of types which we encounter in everyday life.

Secondly, it responds to concerns that much multimodal analysis lacks sound empirical bases, resulting in analytical circularity and a tendency to under- or over-estimate the relative frequency of particular textual features -- and hence their significance. The presentation describes a corpus-based approach to the analysis of cross-linguistic variation in everyday documents. This approach allows us to pursue several lines of investigation in terms of cross-linguistic variation and translation/localization effects. Such research reveals interesting features of the multimodal and multilingual instantiation of the genres under analysis. In turn, this might inform the evaluation of existing documents -- and their localized counterparts -- as well as the production of new ones.

Having benefited from interdisciplinary training in languages and information design, combined with industrial experience in information technology, Dr. Martin Thomas has focused on the development of empirical approaches to multilingual, multimodal text analysis, with applications in translation and localization. He is also currently Director of the Centre of Translation Studies at the University of Leeds.


場所:立教大学(池袋キャンパス)11号館 2階 A203教室





翻訳研究育成プロジェクト第5回/関東支部例会第31回合同講演会 [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]


講演: 篠原有子氏(本学会員、フリーランス字幕翻訳者)


講演1  山下奈々子氏:字幕翻訳業界の現状と今後の展望


講演2  篠原有子氏:日本映画における英語字幕の訳出志向について




主催:翻訳研究育成プロジェクト 関東支部

『翻訳研究への招待』8号ができました [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]


『翻訳研究への招待』7号ができました [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]


「翻訳研究育成プロジェクト」会合のお知らせ [翻訳研究育成プロジェクト]

日本通訳翻訳学会「翻訳研究育成プロジェクト」では、『ナボコフ 訳すのは「私」―自己翻訳がひらくテクスト』の著者、ダムロッシュ『世界文学とは何か?』の共訳者、秋草俊一郎さんをお迎えして、プロジェクト会合を以下の通り開催します。非会員も無料で参加できます。





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